Saturday, February 14, 2009

Like Its my Last Summer

Have you ever heard the sayings "the time is now," "theres no time like the present," "why put off for tommorrow what you can do today". Of course you have but how many of us live by these words; not nearly enough of us . These slogans are so simple that we don't even take the time out to analyze them. All of these phrases have a bitter cancerous nemesis named procrastination. Some of you know first hand about the spreading of procrastination to many aspects of your life like a form cancer. I mean procrastination comes in all forms from waiting to the final minute to do simple shit like last minute to take a shower in the morning to go to work; because your tired as hell from waiting to the last minute to cook dinner and you put the kids to bed late as hell; to paying your bills late. Now i've said the prior to set you up to explain the broader, less direct, but yet so dangerous form of procrastination that could plague a future renaissance man, thus bringing him into submission. Just as I previously stated some of the more well known catchphrases that battle the dragging of the feet disease, there are also many phrases that endorse and promote this phsycological disorder such as "im just waiting for...," "it'll still be there tomorrow," "I can do it as soon as I get up," just to name a few. But these could never outdo the heavyweight champ in our community and my personal favorite: "man next summer ima be doin this and that." These words are almost always spoken on the hottest days of summer which much cause disillusionmen, and most times by young ambitious men after a sighting of their dream car or a sexy "bad broad" thats way out of their league. I've heard it so many times, and by the same individuals every year. I sometimes wonder if they realize that they never progress, or does it just feel good to say things you'll do next year, but have no plans or strategies to accomplish those goals. Sometimes your goals seem so distant that you believe that your making progress or that your on track. You could be waiting to get situated, waiting to free some time up or just when things get better. Newsflash shit is not going to get better unless you do something everyday to fulfill your destiny. Now im going to put this in such a form whereas all my readers can interpret and relate. Now pick a sport basketball, football, whatever floats your boat. Now pick the most dominate athletes in that game rather it be Lebron James, Michael Jordan, or Larry Fitzgerald. Ok you have your favorite player in your favorite sport which in all actuality is you playing in the game we call life. Now the mindset of a winner is knowing its not and never will be easy, but very difficult. The obstacles in your way will never cease; understand that, and expect it. Michael Jordan went into everygame knowing he would be doubleteamed, and new defensive schemes would be thrown his way. Point being if you consider yourself someone worthy of greatness, and you have the mind of a champion its not going to be sweet. You have to keep shooting no matter what! When your on the cusp of being the person you want to be, there are no easy layups, no wide open touchdowns in the endzone just ask Larry. We are feared, if you are not uncle tomming it down in some office gig or comprimising your self respect for some short change or following every law and guideline the white power structure has put in place to hinder your progression and to elevate their status. It's going to be a challenge. Thats why you can't wait and I repeat can't wait to get your ducks in a row because they never will be. Everyday has to be a hustle. Don't be down on yourself but embrace the grind in whatever you do. If you dont physically make a move that day you must strategize for the next! I've said that to say this do something progressive everyday that will impact your future to where you want to be. In order to live in this manner you must distance yourself from unproductive people that are waiting for shit to turn into gold, because they don't get it, and never will. Until next time.